Who is Bury Bob? Why should I care?

Hi I'm Joe 60's; speed freak, Best Poser award winner at the 'Whiskey a go go', Manchester 1967, John Cooper Clark devotee and life style copier and uncle to comedy upstart Bury Bob.

I've been watching comedy on and off...you know not all the time....for 39 years ...I was gonna say forty but that's not til June. Along the way there's been alot of crap, but just now and again you see someone who you think..''They're even bigger crap than the other lot.....''

Well our Bob fits very nicely into the second catagory in my opinion and his choice of material for this blog was only agreed to after a living room brawl.

We'll be keeping you informed of any new talent we come across and hopefully between here and other blogs get some less famous names up in front of you that we think deserve to be noticed.

Don't be shy about sending us links to sites you think deserve lookin at.

Leave a comment if you like...we won't read em like but the thought's there.

Joe (Uncle)

Monday 14 October 2013

There's a Pussy Riot goin' on!


If you have access to the BBC Iplayer then please take the time to watch this documentary about Pussy Riot, the Russian punk band.

I only wish we had toung people doing stuff like that in Britain....instead of seeing who can drink themselves to death first.

These three young women are truly reluctant heroes....Their silly protest managed to reveal the Russian justice system for what it is....a sham.

Pussy Riot are my new heroes and those are the kind of people our Government should be speaking out for.....but it would mean we might have to pay more for oil so we can't do that.

I don't know whether it is because I'm getting older or is the world really turning into a shit place.

I remember when I believed my Government had my best interests at it's heart.

Now I'm not so sure.

Check out this great vid and comment comment comment!

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